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tlmgr-path: Add symlinks to TeX Live files.
$ sudo tlmgr path add
try on your machine

The command "sudo tlmgr path add" is used in TeX Live, a popular distribution of the TeX typesetting system.

In this particular command, "sudo" is a Unix command that stands for "superuser do", which allows the user to execute a command as a superuser or administrator. It is often required for performing system-level tasks that regular users do not have permission to do.

"tlmgr" is the TeX Live package manager, which is used to manage and install TeX packages and update the TeX Live distribution. It provides command-line access to various package-related operations.

"path" is an option or subcommand for "tlmgr" that deals with managing the search path for TeX and related executables. By default, TeX Live puts all the necessary executable files in the system's PATH, so they can be found and used without specifying the full path to the files every time.

"add" is another option or argument to the "tlmgr path" subcommand, indicating that you want to add a new directory to the search path.

Overall, the command "sudo tlmgr path add" is used to add a new directory to the search path for TeX Live executables, allowing you to run them from anywhere on your system without specifying the full path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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