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tlmgr-pinning: Pin the matching the packages to the given repository.
$ tlmgr pinning add ${repository} ${package1 package2 ---}
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This command is used in TeX Live, a popular distribution of the TeX typesetting system, to "pin" a package or multiple packages to a specific repository.

In TeX Live, a repository refers to an online or offline source from which packages can be downloaded and installed. The command tlmgr is the package manager of TeX Live, used to manage, update, and install packages.

The specific command tlmgr pinning add is used to add a pinning rule, which ensures that the specified packages will always be installed from a particular repository.

The command takes the following arguments:

  1. ${repository}: This should be replaced with the name or URL of the repository you want to pin the packages to. It can be an official TeX Live repository or a custom repository.

  2. ${package1 package2 ---}: These arguments should be replaced with the names of the packages you want to pin to the specified repository. You can list multiple package names separated by spaces.

By executing this command, you instruct TeX Live to always download and install the specified packages from the designated repository, regardless of any other repository configurations. This can be useful when you want to ensure consistent versions or specific sources for certain packages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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