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tlmgr-pinning: Remove any packages recorded in the pinning file matching the packages for the given repository.
$ tlmgr pinning remove ${repository} ${package1 package2 ---}
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This command removes the pinning for specified package(s) from a given TeX Live package repository.

Here is a breakdown of the command structure and its purpose:

  • tlmgr: The command-line tool for managing TeX Live packages and package repositories.
  • pinning remove: A subcommand that allows removing the pinning for specific packages.
  • ${repository}: This represents the name or URL of the TeX Live package repository from which the packages are being unpinned.
  • ${package1 package2 ---}: These are the names of the packages that are being unpinned. Multiple package names can be provided with a space between them.

When this command is executed, it removes the pinning status (if any) for the specified packages in the given repository. Pinning is a feature in TeX Live that allows locking a package at a specific version to prevent it from being automatically updated. This command removes such locks for the specified packages, allowing them to be updated to newer versions when available.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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