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tlmgr-repository: List all configured repositories and their tags (if set).
$ tlmgr repository list
try on your machine

The command "tlmgr repository list" is used to retrieve and display the list of currently configured TeX Live package repositories on your system.

TeX Live is a cross-platform distribution of the TeX typesetting system, which includes a vast collection of packages and utilities for typesetting various types of documents. These packages are stored in repositories, which are essentially online databases where TeX Live users can access and download the packages.

Running the "tlmgr repository list" command will give you a list of the repositories that your TeX Live installation is set up to use. The list will typically include the main CTAN repository (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network), which is the primary source of TeX Live packages, as well as any additional repositories that you might have configured.

The repository list provides information about the repositories such as their names, URLs, and whether they are currently enabled or disabled. Enabling or disabling a repository determines whether TeX Live will fetch packages from that repository during package installations or updates.

Having access to multiple repositories can be useful in situations where a package is not available in the main CTAN repository, so using the "tlmgr repository list" command helps you identify the repositories available to your TeX Live installation and manage them accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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