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tlp: Apply AC settings (ignoring the actual power source).
$ sudo tlp ac
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The command "sudo tlp ac" is used to run the TLP (formerly known as Laptop Mode Tools) utility with the "ac" parameter.

TLP is a power management tool commonly used in Linux systems that helps optimize the power consumption of laptops and improve their battery life. It adjusts various settings and parameters based on whether the laptop is running on battery or connected to AC power.

The "ac" parameter in the command specifies that it should apply the power management settings optimized for when the laptop is connected to AC power, meaning it is plugged into a power source rather than running on battery.

By running this command with "sudo" (which stands for "superuser do"), it is executed with administrative privileges, allowing it to make changes to the system's power settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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