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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tlp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


TLP stands for "TLP - Advanced Power Management" and it is a command-line tool for managing power consumption on Linux distributions. It is designed to optimize the power settings of laptops and increase their battery life. TLP can be installed on various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian. This tool provides automated power-saving configurations that help to enhance the battery runtime. TLP offers features like adjusting the CPU frequency scaling, managing WiFi and Bluetooth power, and controlling USB autosuspend settings. It also supports various power profiles to easily switch between power-saving and performance modes. Overall, TLP is a powerful and flexible command-line tool that allows users to effectively manage and optimize the power consumption of their Linux laptops or notebooks, leading to longer battery life and increased energy efficiency.

List of commands for tlp:

  • tlp:tldr:73d9e tlp: Apply AC settings (ignoring the actual power source).
    $ sudo tlp ac
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  • tlp:tldr:7a4d9 tlp: Apply settings (according to the actual power source).
    $ sudo tlp start
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  • tlp:tldr:94d21 tlp: Apply battery settings (ignoring the actual power source).
    $ sudo tlp bat
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tool overview