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tmsu: List files with specified tag(s).
$ tmsu files ${big-jazz} ${music}
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The command "tmsu files ${big-jazz} ${music}" is using the "tmsu" command-line tool to list files that have been tagged with the tags "${big-jazz}" and "${music}".

Here's a breakdown of the different components of the command:

  • "tmsu": It is the command-line tool (stands for "Tag My Stuff Utility") used for managing file tags.
  • "files": It is an option/parameter of the "tmsu" command, specifying that we want to list files that match the given tags.
  • "${big-jazz}": It is a tag expression enclosed in curly braces. It represents the tag "big-jazz". Tags are used to categorize or label files with specific attributes.
  • "${music}": It is another tag expression enclosed in curly braces. It represents the tag "music".

The command is asking the "tmsu" tool to find files that have both the "${big-jazz}" and "${music}" tags attached to them and display a list of those files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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