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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tmsu. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Tmsu is a command-line tool used for tagging files on Unix-like systems. It allows users to organize and categorize their files by associating tags with them. The tool operates by creating a virtual file system where each tag is represented as a directory. With tmsu, users can easily add, remove, and search tags for their files. It supports a wide range of file types, including documents, images, audio files, videos, and more. Tmsu takes advantage of SQLite as its underlying data store, ensuring efficient and fast tag operations. It offers various functionalities like logical operations on tags, searching for files with specific combinations of tags, and managing tags across multiple directories. Users can create and manage tag hierarchies, making it easy to organize tags in a hierarchical structure. The tool also provides a tagging API allowing developers to integrate tmsu functionality into their own applications. Tmsu documentation is available with detailed information on installation, usage, API reference, and examples.

List of commands for tmsu:

  • tmsu:tldr:2b104 tmsu: List files with specified tag(s).
    $ tmsu files ${big-jazz} ${music}
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  • tmsu:tldr:40975 tmsu: List files with tags matching boolean expression.
    $ tmsu files "${(year >= 1990 and year <= 2000)} and ${grunge}"
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  • tmsu:tldr:754cd tmsu: List tags of specified file(s).
    $ tmsu tags ${*-mp3}
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  • tmsu:tldr:7c42c tmsu: Mount tmsu virtual filesystem to an existing directory.
    $ tmsu mount ${path-to-directory}
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  • tmsu:tldr:87891 tmsu: Tag a specific file with multiple tags.
    $ tmsu tag ${filename-mp3} ${music} ${big-jazz} ${mp3}
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  • tmsu:tldr:9b4af tmsu: Tag multiple files.
    $ tmsu tag --tags "${music mp3}" ${*-mp3}
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tool overview