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tmsu: Tag multiple files.
$ tmsu tag --tags "${music mp3}" ${*-mp3}
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The "tmsu tag" command is a command used to apply tags to files using the TMSU (Tagging My Stuff, You) command line tool. The specific command you provided is:

"tmsu tag --tags "${music mp3}" ${*-mp3}"

Let's break it down:

  • "tmsu tag" is the main command that tells the TMSU tool to add tags to files.
  • "--tags" is an option that specifies the tags to be applied. In this case, the tags are specified using the string "${music mp3}". It seems like "${music mp3}" is a placeholder for the actual tag names.
  • "${-mp3}" is a placeholder for the files to be tagged. The "-mp3" suffix indicates that it's targeting files with the ".mp3" extension. The "${}" is a shell parameter that expands to all the arguments passed to the command.

To summarize, this command is instructing the TMSU tool to add the "${music mp3}" tag to all the files with the ".mp3" extension provided as arguments to the command when running it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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