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tomb: Create a new tomb with an initial size of 100 MB.
$ tomb dig -s ${100} ${encrypted_directory-tomb}
try on your machine

The command "tomb dig -s ${100} ${encrypted_directory-tomb}" is likely a command used in the Tomb encryption software. Here is the breakdown of each component:

  • "tomb": Tomb is an open-source tool used for creating encrypted volumes or "tomb"s on a file system.

  • "dig": "dig" is a command within Tomb that is used to open an encrypted tomb and mount it so that it becomes accessible.

  • "-s ${100}": The "-s" flag is an argument used with the "dig" command, and here it is followed by "${100}". This likely indicates that the size of the tomb being created should be 100 MB (megabytes). The "${100}" is a placeholder variable that would be replaced with the actual value when running the command.

  • "${encrypted_directory-tomb}": This specifies the path or directory to the tomb file that needs to be opened and mounted. The variable "${encrypted_directory-tomb}" would be replaced with the actual path or directory when executing the command.

In summary, the given command is asking the Tomb software to dig or open a tomb (encrypted volume) of size 100 MB located at the specified directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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