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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tomb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "tomb" command line tool is a utility designed for creating encrypted storage containers called "tombs". These tombs act like encrypted directories where you can securely store files and folders. The tool provides a simple and efficient way to create, manage, and open tombs on a Linux system. Tomb uses the LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) format for encryption, which is a widely used and secure disk encryption standard. It allows you to set a passphrase to lock and unlock your tomb securely. The tool also supports features like keyfile support, timed lock, stealth mode, and even steganography. It is a versatile and customizable tool that helps users protect their sensitive data with ease. Tomb provides a command line interface for advanced users but also has graphical interfaces available for different desktop environments.

List of commands for tomb:

  • tomb:tldr:11acf tomb: Create a new key file that can be used to lock a tomb; user will be prompted for a password for the key.
    $ tomb forge ${encrypted_directory-tomb-key}
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  • tomb:tldr:157c3 tomb: Forcefully close all open tombs, killing any applications using them.
    $ tomb slam all
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  • tomb:tldr:221df tomb: Close a tomb (fails if the tomb is being used by a process).
    $ tomb close ${encrypted_directory-tomb}
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  • tomb:tldr:27869 tomb: Mount a tomb (by default in `/media`) using its key, making it usable as a regular filesystem directory.
    $ tomb open ${encrypted_directory-tomb} -k ${encrypted_directory-tomb-key}
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  • tomb:tldr:2a156 tomb: Initialize and lock an empty tomb using a key made with `forge`.
    $ tomb lock ${encrypted_directory-tomb} -k ${encrypted_directory-tomb-key}
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  • tomb:tldr:45f06 tomb: Create a new tomb with an initial size of 100 MB.
    $ tomb dig -s ${100} ${encrypted_directory-tomb}
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  • tomb:tldr:64eb8 tomb: List all open tombs.
    $ tomb list
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  • tomb:tldr:b613f tomb: Forcefully create a new key, even if the tomb isn't allowing key forging (due to swap).
    $ tomb forge ${encrypted_directory-tomb-key} -f
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