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tomb: List all open tombs.
$ tomb list
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The command "tomb list" is used in the context of the TOMB project, which is an encryption software for creating encrypted storage containers.

When you execute the "tomb list" command, it displays a list of all the existing tomb files or containers on your system. A tomb file is a secure and encrypted storage container where you can store your sensitive or private data. This command helps you to quickly identify and view the tomb files that you have created. It lists the names or paths of the tomb files along with any additional information such as their sizes or creation dates.

By using the "tomb list" command, you can easily manage your various tomb files, identify which files are available, and choose the specific tomb file you want to work with when performing other actions like opening, closing, or managing the encrypted containers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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