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toolbox-create: Create a `toolbox` container with a custom image.
$ toolbox create --image ${name}
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The command "toolbox create --image ${name}" creates a new containerized environment, known as a toolbox, using a specified image name.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "toolbox": This is the main command that initiates the creation of a new toolbox container.
  • "create": This command specifies that we want to create a new toolbox rather than any other operation.
  • "--image": This option indicates that we want to use a specific image to build our toolbox.
  • "${name}": This is a placeholder for the actual name of the image. By using the "${name}" syntax, it signifies that the value will be replaced with an actual image name provided by the user.

In summary, the command "toolbox create --image ${name}" creates a toolbox container using the specified image name (${name}). Note that you need to replace "${name}" with the actual image name you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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