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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool toolbox. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Toolbox is a command line utility that provides a way to manage Linux container environments. It is designed to simplify the creation, management, and deployment of containers on a Linux system. With Toolbox, users can easily create and access containerized environments, similar to virtual machines, while using their host system's resources.

Toolbox utilizes the concepts of podman and systemd-nspawn to create and manage containers. It allows users to create multiple separate environments, each with its own set of packages and libraries. These environments are completely isolated from the host system, ensuring that the changes made within them do not affect the main system.

One of the main benefits of Toolbox is its simplicity. It abstracts away the complexities of working with containers, providing a streamlined and intuitive interface. Toolbox also automatically sets up a shared home directory between the host and the container, making it easy to access and share files.

Furthermore, Toolbox provides easy package management within containers, allowing users to install and update packages without disrupting the host system. It also enables users to take snapshots of container environments, making it possible to revert to a previous state if needed.

Overall, Toolbox is a versatile and user-friendly command line tool that simplifies container management on Linux systems, making it a valuable tool for developers and system administrators.

List of commands for toolbox:

  • toolbox-create:tldr:9eedc toolbox-create: Create a `toolbox` container using the default image for Fedora 36.
    $ toolbox create --distro ${fedora} --release ${f36}
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  • toolbox-create:tldr:daec2 toolbox-create: Create a `toolbox` container for a specific distribution.
    $ toolbox create --distro ${distribution}
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  • toolbox-create:tldr:e8ce6 toolbox-create: Create a `toolbox` container with a custom image.
    $ toolbox create --image ${name}
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  • toolbox-create:tldr:f82af toolbox-create: Create a `toolbox` container for a specific release of the current distribution.
    $ toolbox create --release ${release}
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  • toolbox-enter:tldr:02bc9 toolbox-enter: Enter a `toolbox` container using the default image of a specific release of the current distribution.
    $ toolbox enter --release ${release}
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  • toolbox-enter:tldr:5d3db toolbox-enter: Enter a `toolbox` container using the default image of a specific distribution.
    $ toolbox enter --distro ${distribution}
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  • toolbox-enter:tldr:b92b0 toolbox-enter: Enter a toolbox container using the default image for Fedora 36.
    $ toolbox enter --distro ${fedora} --release ${f36}
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  • toolbox-help:tldr:29253 toolbox-help: Display the `toolbox` manual for a specific subcommand.
    $ toolbox help ${subcommand}
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  • toolbox-help:tldr:63952 toolbox-help: Display the `toolbox` manual.
    $ toolbox help
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  • toolbox-init-container:tldr:50bb0 toolbox-init-container: Initialize a running toolbox.
    $ toolbox init-container --gid ${gid} --home ${home} --home-link --media-link --mnt-link --monitor-host --shell ${shell} --uid ${uid} --user ${user}
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  • toolbox-list:tldr:9c442 toolbox-list: List only `toolbox` containers.
    $ toolbox list --containers
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  • toolbox-list:tldr:c05f8 toolbox-list: List all `toolbox` containers and images.
    $ toolbox list
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  • toolbox-list:tldr:e1de6 toolbox-list: List only `toolbox` images.
    $ toolbox list --images
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  • toolbox-rm:tldr:3f8ae toolbox-rm: Force the removal of a currently active `toolbox` container.
    $ toolbox rm --force ${container_name}
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  • toolbox-rm:tldr:d744e toolbox-rm: Remove all `toolbox` containers.
    $ toolbox rm --all
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  • toolbox-rm:tldr:fd166 toolbox-rm: Remove a toolbox container.
    $ toolbox rm ${container_name}
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  • toolbox-rmi:tldr:70078 toolbox-rmi: Remove all `toolbox` images.
    $ toolbox rmi --all
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  • toolbox-rmi:tldr:e2c3b toolbox-rmi: Force the removal of a `toolbox` image which is currently being used by a container (the container will be removed as well).
    $ toolbox rmi --force ${image_name}
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  • toolbox-rmi:tldr:e921c toolbox-rmi: Remove a `toolbox` image.
    $ toolbox rmi ${image_name}
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  • toolbox-run:tldr:cf6c2 toolbox-run: Run a command inside a specific `toolbox` container.
    $ toolbox run --container ${container_name} ${command}
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  • toolbox-run:tldr:e5d04 toolbox-run: Run a command inside a `toolbox` container for a specific release of a distribution.
    $ toolbox run --distro ${distribution} --release ${release} ${command}
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  • toolbox:tldr:c39c0 toolbox: Show the `toolbox` version.
    $ toolbox --version
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  • toolbox:tldr:c877b toolbox: Run a `toolbox` subcommand.
    $ toolbox ${subcommand}
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  • toolbox:tldr:e0b74 toolbox: Show general help.
    $ toolbox --help
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tool overview