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toolbox-rm: Force the removal of a currently active `toolbox` container.
$ toolbox rm --force ${container_name}
try on your machine

The given command is used to remove a Docker container forcefully. Here is a breakdown of the different components:

  • toolbox: This is the command-line tool used to manage and interact with Docker containers, images, and other Docker-related functionalities.
  • rm: This is a subcommand of toolbox that stands for "remove". It is used to remove Docker containers from the system.
  • --force: This is an optional flag used with the rm command to force the removal of the container. It overrides certain checks and allows the removal even if the container is running or has other dependencies.
  • ${container_name}: This is a placeholder for the actual name of the container you want to remove. You should replace ${container_name} with the specific name of the container you wish to delete. The actual name would typically be specified without the $ sign (e.g., container1).

Overall, the command toolbox rm --force ${container_name} is used to forcefully remove a Docker container by specifying its name. Make sure to replace ${container_name} with the actual container name in order to delete the desired container. Be cautious when using the force flag, as it can result in the removal of containers even if they are actively being used or have dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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