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toolbox-rmi: Remove all `toolbox` images.
$ toolbox rmi --all
try on your machine

The command "toolbox rmi --all" is used to remove (or delete) all Docker containers and their associated images from the system. Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "toolbox": It refers to the Docker Toolbox or Docker Machine CLI. Docker Toolbox is a legacy tool that provides a way to work with Docker on non-native operating systems like Windows and macOS before the official Docker Desktop was released. Docker Machine is a similar CLI tool used to manage Docker hosts.
  • "rmi": It stands for "Remove Images" and is a Docker command used to delete Docker images. When used with other options or parameters, it specifies the specific images that need to be removed.
  • "--all": It is an option provided to the "rmi" command to remove all Docker images. When used with "rmi", it means that all images should be deleted from the system. By default, Docker only removes images that are not used by any containers, but "--all" extends the removal to all images regardless of their usage.

Overall, the command "toolbox rmi --all" is used to completely remove all Docker containers and images from the system. It is often used to clean up the Docker environment by deleting all unused or unnecessary images.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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