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trap: List active traps for the current shell.
$ trap -p
try on your machine

The trap -p command is used to display the currently set signal handlers, or traps.

In Unix-like operating systems, signals are used to notify processes about specific events or conditions. These events can include things like user interrupts (Ctrl+C), process termination, or errors. When a process receives a signal, it typically performs a specific action or executes a specific function known as a signal handler.

The trap command in Unix-like systems is used to define the action to be taken when a specific signal is received by a process. It allows you to specify a command or a shell function to be executed in response to a particular signal.

In this case, the trap -p command is used to display the currently defined signal handlers. By running this command, you will get a list of signals along with the corresponding actions or commands that are set to be executed when those signals are received by your shell.

For example, the output of trap -p may look like:

SIGINT  caught  my_function
SIGTERM caught  echo "Terminated"

In this case, it shows that the signal SIGINT is being caught by the function my_function, while the signal SIGTERM is being caught and printing the message "Terminated".

Knowing the currently set signal handlers can be helpful for troubleshooting, understanding how your shell environment is configured, or checking if any custom signal handling has been implemented.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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