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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool trap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The trap command is a built-in command in Linux and Unix-based operating systems. It allows users to catch and handle signals sent to a script or program. The trap command can be used to set up actions within a script that will be executed upon receiving a specific signal. Signals can be sent to processes for various reasons, such as when the user presses Ctrl+C to interrupt a program. The trap command can be used to ignore signals and prevent them from terminating a script or process. It can also be used to perform certain actions before terminating a script, such as cleaning up resources or generating a log. Users can specify the action to be taken when a specific signal is received by using the trap command followed by a command or script. The trap command can be used to catch and handle a wide range of signals, including common ones like SIGINT (interrupt) and SIGTERM (termination). By customizing the trap command, users can add error handling, cleanup tasks, and graceful termination to their scripts or programs. The trap command is a useful tool for managing signal handling and ensuring the smooth execution and termination of scripts and processes.

List of commands for trap:

  • trap:tldr:5ae56 trap: List active traps for the current shell.
    $ trap -p
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • trap:tldr:bc168 trap: Set a trap to execute commands when one or more signals are detected.
    $ trap 'echo "Caught signal ${SIGHUP}"' ${SIGHUP}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • trap:tldr:eac20 trap: List available signals to set traps for.
    $ trap -l
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview