The command "ts-node ${filename-ts}" is probably used in a development environment where you want to execute a TypeScript (.ts) file directly without explicitly transpiling it to JavaScript (.js) first.
Here is a breakdown of the important parts of the command:
"ts-node" is a tool that provides TypeScript execution environment. It allows you to run TypeScript files directly on the Node.js runtime without going through the manual compilation step.
"${filename-ts}" is a placeholder for the name of the TypeScript file you want to execute. You will need to replace this placeholder with the actual file name or path, including the .ts extension.
When you run the command with the actual file name, ts-node will find the TypeScript file, transpile it to JavaScript at runtime, and execute it on the Node.js runtime as if it were a JavaScript file. This way, you can directly run TypeScript code without manually transpiling it.