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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ts-node. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. ts-node is a command line tool used to execute TypeScript code directly without the need for compilation.
  2. It allows developers to write and run TypeScript code seamlessly without the extra step of transpiling to JavaScript.
  3. ts-node combines the TypeScript compiler with the node.js runtime environment, enabling the execution of TypeScript files.
  4. This tool is especially useful for development and debugging purposes, as it eliminates the compilation step, making the development process faster.
  5. ts-node offers various features such as type-checking, source maps support, and integrated ES module support.
  6. It provides a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) functionality, allowing developers to interactively execute TypeScript code snippets.
  7. With ts-node, developers can leverage the full power of TypeScript like static typing, decorators, and other language features directly in their node.js projects.
  8. It seamlessly integrates with other node.js modules and packages, making it easy to use with popular frameworks and libraries.
  9. ts-node can be installed globally as a command line tool or used locally within a project, depending on the developer's preference.
  10. Overall, ts-node simplifies the development workflow for TypeScript developers, enhancing productivity by eliminating the need to manually compile TypeScript code.

List of commands for ts-node:

  • ts-node:tldr:0b4a0 ts-node: Transpile a TypeScript file to JavaScript without executing it.
    $ ts-node --transpile-only ${filename-ts}
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  • ts-node:tldr:4e7b4 ts-node: Execute a TypeScript file without loading `tsconfig.json`.
    $ ts-node --skip-project ${filename-ts}
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  • ts-node:tldr:5feeb ts-node: Execute a TypeScript file without compiling (`node` + `tsc`).
    $ ts-node ${filename-ts}
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  • ts-node:tldr:94ffa ts-node: Evaluate TypeScript code passed as a literal on the command-line.
    $ ts-node --eval '${console-log("Hello World")}'
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  • ts-node:tldr:c2f20 ts-node: Display TS-Node help.
    $ ts-node --help
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  • ts-node:tldr:cf3f0 ts-node: Execute a TypeScript file in script mode.
    $ ts-node --script-mode ${filename-ts}
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tool overview