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ts-node: Execute a TypeScript file in script mode.
$ ts-node --script-mode ${filename-ts}
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This command is using the ts-node package to execute a TypeScript file in script mode.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • ts-node: This is the command itself, which runs the ts-node package.
  • --script-mode: It is a flag that tells ts-node to execute the file in script mode. In script mode, the file is treated as a standalone script rather than a module. This means you can use CommonJS-style imports (require) instead of ES modules (import). Script mode is typically used for running individual script files without the need for a larger project setup.
  • ${filename-ts}: This is a placeholder for the actual filename. It usually represents the name of the TypeScript file you want to execute, with the .ts extension. You need to replace ${filename-ts} with the actual file name and extension.

Overall, this command allows you to execute a TypeScript file as a standalone script using ts-node.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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