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tslint: Lint on a given set of files.
$ tslint ${filename1-js filename2-js ---}
try on your machine

The command you have mentioned is using a tool called tslint which is used for static code analysis of TypeScript code. It is typically used to enforce code style and maintainability rules.

${filename1-js filename2-js ---} is not a valid syntax in this command. It seems to be a placeholder where you can specify one or more filenames (separated by spaces) with .js extension. The . before js suggests that these filenames are JavaScript files instead of TypeScript files.

The correct usage of tslint command would be something like this:

tslint filename1.ts filename2.ts

Here, filename1.ts and filename2.ts are TypeScript files that you want to analyze using tslint. The command will run the tslint tool on the specified files, applying the configured rules and reporting any violations or warnings it finds.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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