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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tslint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


TSLint is a command-line tool used for static code analysis of TypeScript codebases. It is designed to enforce coding styles and best practices to improve code quality.

TSLint provides a wide range of built-in rules that check for various issues such as code formatting, potential bugs, maintainability, and readability.

Developed by Microsoft, TSLint has gained popularity among developers working with TypeScript, as it helps maintain consistent code style and prevents common mistakes.

Using a configuration file (tslint.json), users can customize the rules to meet their project's specific requirements. It provides flexibility to enable, disable, or configure rules as per the project's needs.

TSLint integrates seamlessly with most popular editors and IDEs, providing real-time feedback and suggestions as developers write code. This allows developers to catch errors and inconsistencies early in the development process.

The tool is highly extensible, allowing developers to create their own custom rules and share them with the community. This makes it possible to enforce project-specific guidelines and requirements.

TSLint can be integrated into a project's build process, ensuring that all code consistently meets the desired coding standards before it is deployed.

The tool supports various output formats, including JSON, HTML, and plain text, making it easy to integrate TSLint results into other tools and CI/CD pipelines.

TSLint is actively maintained, with regular updates and bug fixes released to address issues and improve its functionality.

However, it's worth noting that ESLint, the linter for JavaScript, has gained popularity for its broader language support and active community, and may eventually replace TSLint as an industry standard for linting TypeScript code.

List of commands for tslint:

tool overview