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ufw: Deny all UDP traffic to ports in range 8412:8500.
$ ufw deny proto ${udp} from ${any} to ${any} port ${8412:8500}
try on your machine

This command is used to deny traffic on a specific port range for the UDP protocol using the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) tool. Here's a breakdown of each component in this command:

  • ufw: It stands for "Uncomplicated Firewall" and is a utility used for managing firewall rules on Linux-based systems.
  • deny: It is a keyword used to block specific network traffic from passing through the firewall.
  • proto ${udp}: This part specifies the protocol for which the traffic will be denied, in this case, UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a connectionless protocol used for sending data packets over IP networks.
  • from ${any}: It sets the source of the traffic to any IP address or any network interface.
  • to ${any}: It sets the destination of the traffic to any IP address or any network interface.
  • port ${8412:8500}: This specifies the port range to be denied, from port 8412 to port 8500. Ports are used to identify specific processes or services running on a system. By blocking this port range, all UDP traffic targeting these ports will be denied.

In summary, this UFW command restricts UDP traffic from any source IP address to any destination IP address on the port range from 8412 to 8500.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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