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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ufw. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "ufw" stands for Uncomplicated Firewall. It is a user-friendly interface to the underlying netfilter firewall system used by Linux. Ufw helps users manage and configure their firewall rules quickly and easily through a command line interface. It is designed to simplify the process of setting up and managing firewall rules for both novice and advanced users. Ufw supports both IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules and allows users to define policies based on ports, IP addresses, or services. It also provides a default set of rules that can be easily activated to allow or deny common services. Ufw provides essential security by enabling users to easily control and monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic on their Linux systems.

List of commands for ufw:

  • ufw:tldr:08320 ufw: Show ufw rules, along with their numbers.
    $ ufw status numbered
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  • ufw:tldr:25e7a ufw: Deny traffic on port 80 on this host.
    $ ufw deny ${80}
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  • ufw:tldr:2f459 ufw: Allow only TCP traffic from to any address on this host, on port 22.
    $ ufw allow proto ${tcp} from ${192-168-0-4} to ${any} port ${22}
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  • ufw:tldr:77b6d ufw: Disable ufw.
    $ ufw disable
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  • ufw:tldr:8ffca ufw: Deny all UDP traffic to ports in range 8412:8500.
    $ ufw deny proto ${udp} from ${any} to ${any} port ${8412:8500}
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  • ufw:tldr:aa896 ufw: Enable ufw.
    $ ufw enable
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  • ufw:tldr:be607 ufw: Allow incoming traffic on port 5432 on this host with a comment identifying the service.
    $ ufw allow ${5432} comment "${Service}"
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  • ufw:tldr:e06db ufw: Delete a particular rule. The rule number can be retrieved from the `ufw status numbered` command.
    $ ufw delete ${rule_number}
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