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unflatten: Use `unflatten` as a preprocessor for `dot` layout to improve aspect ratio.
$ unflatten ${path-to-input-gv} | dot -T ${png} ${path-to-output-png}
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The given command is used to generate a PNG image from a Graphviz DOT file. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. unflatten: This command is used to remove any node disjoint-ness and adjust edge paths in a Graphviz DOT file. ${path-to-input-gv}: This is the path to the input DOT file that you want to unflatten.

  2. | (Pipe symbol): This is a pipe operator that connects the output of the previous command (unflatten) to the input of the next command (dot).

  3. dot: This is the Graphviz command-line tool used to generate various types of images from DOT files.

  4. -T: This option is used to specify the output file type. In this case, ${png} is the desired output format, which is PNG.

  5. ${path-to-output-png}: This is the path where the generated PNG image will be saved.

To summarize, the command unflattens the input DOT file, pipes it to the dot command, which then generates a PNG image using the provided output path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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