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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool unflatten. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Unflatten is a command line tool used for converting a flattened JSON input file into a nested structure. It helps in transforming a JSON file that has a flat structure into a more hierarchical representation.

The tool operates by parsing the flattened JSON file, which is a JSON object with the keys representing the nested structure separated by periods. For example, "" represents a nested JSON object with a "person" key that contains a nested object with a "name" key.

The unflatten command line tool takes this flattened JSON input file and restructures it, creating a new JSON file with the original nested structure. It uses the periods in the keys to infer the nesting hierarchy and generates a JSON object with nested levels accordingly.

The tool supports both input from a file or standard input, making it flexible to work with different data sources. It also supports specifying the output file for writing the unflattened JSON data.

Unflatten is commonly used in data processing pipelines or scripts where flattened JSON data needs to be transformed into a nested format for easier manipulation or analysis. It simplifies the process of reshaping the data and reduces the complexity of dealing with flat structures.

It is a command line tool, so it can be easily integrated into shell scripts or used as part of a larger data processing workflow. By automating the unflattening process, it helps save time and effort in managing and working with hierarchical JSON data.

Unflatten is typically bundled with other JSON processing tools and libraries, making it a valuable component in the JSON toolkits available for developers and data scientists.

It is an open-source tool, which means it can be freely used, modified, and distributed. It has a large community of users and contributors who continuously improve and enhance its functionality.

The command line tool is often used in conjunction with other JSON manipulation tools, such as flattening tools, to achieve bidirectional transformation between flattened and nested JSON data structures.

Overall, unflatten is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the process of converting flattened JSON data into a nested structure, making it easier to work with and manipulate nested JSON objects.

List of commands for unflatten:

  • unflatten:tldr:608bd unflatten: Use `unflatten` as a preprocessor for `dot` layout to improve aspect ratio.
    $ unflatten ${path-to-input-gv} | dot -T ${png} ${path-to-output-png}
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  • unflatten:tldr:82b67 unflatten: Adjust one or more directed graphs to improve the layout aspect ratio.
    $ unflatten ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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  • unflatten:tldr:c892e unflatten: Display help for `unflatten`.
    $ unflatten -?
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