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unflatten: Adjust one or more directed graphs to improve the layout aspect ratio.
$ unflatten ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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This command is using the unflatten tool, which is part of the Graphviz package, to convert a flattened graph, represented as a text file in the Graphviz (.dot) format, back into its original hierarchical structure.

The command has the following components:

  • unflatten: This is the command itself. It invokes the unflatten tool to perform the desired operation.
  • ${path-to-input1-gv}: This is the path to the first input file (.dot file) that contains the flattened graph. It should be replaced with the actual path to the file on the file system.
  • ${path-to-input2-gv} (if present): This is an optional second input file (.dot file). If you have multiple flattened graphs that need to be unflattened and merged together, you can specify the path to the second input file here. If you don't have a second input file, you can omit this part of the command.
  • >: This symbol is used for output redirection. It instructs the command to write the output of the unflatten tool to a file instead of displaying it on the screen.
  • ${path-to-output-gv}: This is the path to the output file where the unflattened graph should be written. It should be replaced with the actual path to the desired output file on the file system.

In summary, the command takes one or two flattened graph files as input, performs the unflattening operation using the unflatten tool, and writes the resulting unflattened graph to the specified output file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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