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List of commands for unrar:

  • unrar:ai:d1510 ho convert rar in zip
    $ unrar e file.rar && zip -r ${filename} file
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  • unrar:tldr:0372e unrar: Extract files with original directory structure.
    $ unrar x ${compressed-rar}
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  • unrar:tldr:923d6 unrar: List files inside the archive file without decompressing it.
    $ unrar l ${compressed-rar}
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  • unrar:tldr:973c7 unrar: Extract files to a specified path with the original directory structure.
    $ unrar x ${compressed-rar} ${path-to-extract}
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  • unrar:tldr:d7454 unrar: Test integrity of each file inside the archive file.
    $ unrar t ${compressed-rar}
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  • unrar:tldr:f0d27 unrar: Extract files into current directory, losing directory structure in the archive.
    $ unrar e ${compressed-rar}
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