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unzipsfx: Create a self-extracting binary file of a `zip` archive.
$ cat unzipsfx ${path-to-archive-zip} > ${filename} && chmod 755 ${filename}
try on your machine

This command has multiple parts that are executed sequentially using the logical operator "&&":

  1. cat unzipsfx ${path-to-archive-zip}: This uses the "cat" command to display the content of the file "unzipsfx" which is usually a self-extracting script. This script will be used to extract the contents of the specified archive in the next step. ${path-to-archive-zip} should be replaced with the actual path to the archive file.

  2. > ${filename}: The "> " symbol is used for output redirection. It redirects the output of the previous command (the displayed content of "unzipsfx") to a file named ${filename}. You should replace ${filename} with the desired name for the output file.

  3. &&: This is a logical operator that ensures the next command is executed only if the previous command succeeds.

  4. chmod 755 ${filename}: This command changes the permissions of the ${filename} file to be executable by the owner, and readable and executable by everyone else. It sets the file's permissions to "rwxr-xr-x".

In summary, this command displays the content of the "unzipsfx" script, redirects that output to a file named ${filename}, and then changes the permissions of that file to be executable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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