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uvicorn: Use 4 worker processes for handling requests.
$ uvicorn --workers ${4} ${import-path:app_object}
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The command uvicorn --workers ${4} ${import-path:app_object} is a command for running a Uvicorn server with multiple worker processes.

Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • uvicorn is the command to start the Uvicorn server.
  • --workers ${4} specifies the number of worker processes to use. The ${4} is a placeholder that is likely meant to be replaced with an actual value. It indicates that the number of workers should be determined from the value passed as the fourth argument when executing the command.
  • ${import-path:app_object} is another placeholder that points to the import path of the main application object. It suggests that the value of app_object should be provided as part of the command (e.g., through an environment variable or command-line argument).

Overall, this command instructs Uvicorn to start a server with multiple worker processes, with the number of workers and application object import path being determined dynamically based on input values.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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