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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool uvicorn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Uvicorn is a command-line tool used for running ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) applications. It is a lightning-fast ASGI server that allows running Python web applications in a fast and efficient manner. Uvicorn supports HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets, making it a popular choice for building real-time applications and APIs. Being built on top of the high-performance uvloop and httptools libraries, it provides excellent performance and scalability. It has built-in support for running multiple worker processes, which enables handling a large number of client connections concurrently. Uvicorn is compatible with various frameworks and web servers, such as FastAPI, Django, and Starlette. It supports automatic reloading of code changes, making development and debugging easier. Uvicorn provides comprehensive logging and error handling capabilities, allowing developers to effectively troubleshoot issues. It offers various configuration options, allowing customization of server behavior according to the application's specific needs. Uvicorn's simple command-line interface makes it easy to start and manage ASGI applications with minimal configuration.

List of commands for uvicorn:

  • uvicorn:tldr:2b03f uvicorn: Run Python web app.
    $ uvicorn ${import-path:app_object}
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  • uvicorn:tldr:4c492 uvicorn: Listen on port 8080 on localhost.
    $ uvicorn --host ${localhost} --port ${8080} ${import-path:app_object}
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  • uvicorn:tldr:86f14 uvicorn: Turn on live reload.
    $ uvicorn --reload ${import-path:app_object}
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  • uvicorn:tldr:ca610 uvicorn: Use 4 worker processes for handling requests.
    $ uvicorn --workers ${4} ${import-path:app_object}
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  • uvicorn:tldr:ce028 uvicorn: Run app over HTTPS.
    $ uvicorn --ssl-certfile ${cert-pem} --ssl-keyfile ${key-pem} ${import-path:app_object}
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tool overview