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vegeta: Launch an attack and display a report.
$ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} | vegeta report
try on your machine

This command seems to be a way to use the "vegeta" tool to perform an HTTP load testing attack against a given URL.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. echo "${GET https:--example-com}": This part sends the HTTP request as a string to be used by the "vegeta" tool. In this case, it is a GET request to the URL "". The "${}" syntax is likely used to prevent variable interpolation or expansion.

  2. |: This is a pipe symbol that connects the output of the previous command to the input of the next command. It allows the output of one command to be used as the input of another.

  3. vegeta attack -duration=${30s}: This part is the "attack" command of the "vegeta" tool. It specifies the attack configuration. The "-duration" flag sets the duration of the attack to 30 seconds. The "${30s}" likely represents a variable that specifies the duration.

  4. |: Another pipe symbol to connect the output of the attack command to the input of the next command.

  5. vegeta report: This part is the "report" command of the "vegeta" tool. It generates a report based on the results of the attack. It provides statistics and metrics about the attack, such as request rate, success rate, latency, etc.

In summary, this command uses the "vegeta" tool to send a GET request to "" for a duration of 30 seconds, and then generates a report based on the results of the attack.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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