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virsh-connect: Connect as root to the local QEMU/KVM hypervisor.
$ virsh connect qemu:///system
try on your machine

The command "virsh connect qemu:///system" is used to establish a connection from the libvirt client (virsh) to the libvirt daemon (qemu) running on the local host.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "virsh" is a command-line interface tool that interacts with the libvirt virtualization management system.
  • "connect" is the specific command within virsh that is used to establish a connection with the libvirt daemon.
  • "qemu:///system" is the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) indicating the type and location of the libvirt daemon to connect to. In this case, "qemu://" specifies the hypervisor type as QEMU, and "/system" specifies the local system as the location of the daemon.

By executing this command, a connection between the libvirt client (virsh) and the libvirt daemon (qemu) is established, enabling the client to manage and interact with the virtualization environment controlled by the daemon.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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