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virsh-connect: Connect as root to a remote hypervisor using ssh.
$ virsh connect qemu+ssh://${user_name@host_name}/system
try on your machine

This command is used to connect to a remote host (running QEMU/KVM) using the virsh command-line tool.

  • virsh is a command-line interface used to manage virtual machines (VMs) and virtualization hosts.
  • connect is the virsh command used to connect to a specified virtualization hypervisor or host.
  • qemu+ssh is the transport method specified for the connection. It indicates that SSH protocol will be used to establish the connection with the remote host.
  • ${user_name@host_name} represents the username and hostname (or IP address) of the remote host. You need to replace ${user_name} with the actual username, and ${host_name} with the hostname or IP address of the remote host you want to connect to.
  • /system is the domain used to specify that the connection is made to the system-level (default) domain, which provides access to the management of the virtualization host and its configuration.

In summary, the command virsh connect qemu+ssh://${user_name@host_name}/system connects to a remote host using SSH and allows you to manage virtual machines and the virtualization host using the virsh command-line tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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