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virsh-help: List the command categories.
$ virsh help | grep "keyword"
try on your machine

This command is a combination of two commands, "virsh help" and "grep".

The "virsh help" command is used to display the help menu for the Virsh tool, which is a command-line utility for managing virtual machines on a hypervisor (such as KVM or QEMU). It provides information on available commands and their usage.

The "|" symbol is called a pipe operator, and it redirects the output of the command on the left side to be used as input for the command on the right side.

The "grep" command is used to search for a specific pattern or keyword within the input it receives. In this case, the input is the output of the "virsh help" command.

By adding the argument "keyword" after grep, you are specifying the search term you want to look for in the help menu. The "grep" command will then filter the output and only display the lines that contain the specified keyword.

In summary, this command will display only the lines from the Virsh help menu that contain the provided keyword.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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