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virsh-list: List information about virtual machines with autostart either enabled or disabled.
$ virsh list --all --${select}
try on your machine

The command "virsh list --all --${select}" is used to display a list of virtual machines managed by the libvirt tool called "virsh".

Here is the breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "virsh": It is the command-line tool used to manage virtual machines in the libvirt environment. It is used to create, edit, start, stop, and manage various aspects of virtual machines.

  • "list": It is the subcommand of the "virsh" tool, specifically used to list the virtual machines. When used alone without any options, it displays the active running virtual machines.

  • "--all": It is an option used with the "list" subcommand to list all the virtual machines, including both active and inactive ones. By default, only active virtual machines are shown, so this option ensures that all virtual machines are listed.

  • "--${select}": This part of the command is a placeholder, where "${select}" represents an additional option or parameter that the user must supply. The actual value for "${select}" will depend on the specific use case or requirement of the user. It can be used to filter the displayed list based on certain criteria, such as a specific state or name of the virtual machines.

In summary, the "virsh list --all --${select}" command is used to display a list of virtual machines, both active and inactive, managed by the libvirt tool "virsh". The "${select}" part represents an option or parameter that the user can provide to filter the list further.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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