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virsh-pool-autostart: Enable autostart for the storage pool specified by name or UUID (determine using `virsh pool-list`).
$ virsh pool-autostart --pool ${select}
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The "virsh pool-autostart --pool ${select}" command is used to configure the automatic startup behavior of a storage pool in the libvirt virtualization management tool.

  • "virsh" is a command-line utility used to interact with the libvirt API, which is responsible for managing virtualization resources and hypervisors.
  • "pool-autostart" is a subcommand of "virsh" that instructs libvirt to change the autostart configuration of a storage pool.
  • "--pool ${select}" is an option that specifies the storage pool to be modified. The "${select}" variable should be replaced with the name of the desired pool.

By using this command, you can control whether a specific storage pool should automatically start when the host machine boots up or when the libvirt service is started. The "--pool" option combined with the provided pool name allows you to select the pool you want to configure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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