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virsh-pool-list: List information for active and inactive or just inactive storage pools.
$ virsh pool-list --${select}
try on your machine

The command "virsh pool-list --${select}" is a command used in the virsh command-line tool to list all the storage pools or specific storage pools based on a selection criteria specified with the "${select}" placeholder.

The "virsh" command-line tool is used to manage and interact with the virtualization capabilities of the libvirt library, which is a toolkit that provides a consistent and stable API for managing multiple virtualization technologies such as KVM, QEMU, Xen, and more.

In this particular command, "pool-list" is the subcommand that specifies the action to list the storage pools. The "--${select}" part indicates that there is a selection criteria specified using a placeholder "${select}". The actual value for "${select}" needs to be provided to determine what storage pools are listed.

For example, if you wanted to list all the storage pools, you would replace "${select}" with "all" like this: "virsh pool-list --all". This would retrieve information about all the existing storage pools in the virtualization environment.

If you only wanted to list specific storage pools, you would replace "${select}" with the appropriate criteria. This criteria could be the name of a specific pool, a wildcard pattern, or other options supported by the "virsh pool-list" command.

Overall, this command allows you to retrieve information about storage pools, either all of them or a subset based on a selection criteria.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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