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virsh: Start/reboot/shutdown/suspend/resume a guest.
$ virsh ${command} ${guest_id}
try on your machine

The command "virsh" is a utility that allows users to manage and control virtual machines (guests) using the libvirt virtualization management library.

The expression "virsh ${command} ${guest_id}" is a placeholder command, where "${command}" and "${guest_id}" are variables that need to be replaced with valid values.

The variable "${command}" represents the action or operation that you want to perform on the virtual machine. For example, it could be "start" to power on a virtual machine, "shutdown" to gracefully shut down a virtual machine, "create" to create a new virtual machine, or any other supported action.

The variable "${guest_id}" represents the unique identifier or name of the virtual machine on which you want to perform the specified command.

By replacing the variables with appropriate values and executing the command, you can interact with virtual machines using the virsh utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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