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List of commands for virt-xml:

  • virt-xml:tldr:03bb1 virt-xml: Attach host USB hub to a running VM (See: tldr lsusb).
    $ virt-xml ${domain} --update --add-device --hostdev ${bus}.${device}
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  • virt-xml:tldr:79f51 virt-xml: List all the suboptions for a specific option.
    $ virt-xml --${option}=?
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  • virt-xml:tldr:96466 virt-xml: Change the description for a specific domain.
    $ virt-xml ${domain} --edit --metadata description="${new_description}"
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  • virt-xml:tldr:b5e95 virt-xml: Edit a value for a specific domain.
    $ virt-xml ${domain} --edit --${option} ${suboption}=${new_value}
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  • virt-xml:tldr:d093b virt-xml: List all the suboptions for disk, network, and boot.
    $ virt-xml --disk=? --network=? --boot=?
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  • virt-xml:tldr:d9453 virt-xml: Enable/Disable the boot device menu for a specific domain.
    $ virt-xml ${domain} --edit --boot bootmenu=${select}
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