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virtualenvwrapper: Create a `virtualenv` for a specific Python version.
$ mkvirtualenv --python ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8} ${virtualenv_name}
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The command mkvirtualenv --python ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8} ${virtualenv_name} creates a virtual environment using a specific version of Python.

Let's break down the command:

  • mkvirtualenv: This is a command to create a virtual environment. A virtual environment is a self-contained directory that contains an isolated Python installation and its own set of installed packages.

  • --python ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8}: This specifies the Python version to be used for the virtual environment. In this case, ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8} is a placeholder for the path to the Python executable.

  • ${virtualenv_name}: This specifies the name of the virtual environment that will be created. It's a placeholder for the desired name.

So, when you run this command, it will create a virtual environment with the specified name (${virtualenv_name}) and use the Python executable located at ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8} to set up the environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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