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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkvirtualenv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mkvirtualenv is a command-line tool that is used for creating and managing isolated Python environments. It is a part of the virtualenvwrapper package, which is an extension to the popular virtualenv tool.

With mkvirtualenv, you can easily create a virtual environment for your Python project, which provides a separate Python environment with its own set of dependencies and packages. This helps in keeping your project's dependencies isolated from other projects and the system's global Python environment.

When you create a virtual environment using mkvirtualenv, it automatically sets up an associated project directory and activates the virtual environment. This makes it convenient to manage multiple projects with their respective virtual environments.

The tool provides various options to customize the virtual environment creation process, allowing you to specify Python versions, project directories, and additional packages to be installed by default. It also supports automatic activation of the virtual environment upon terminal startup.

Mkvirtualenv simplifies the process of switching between different virtual environments. You can deactivate the current environment and switch to a different one by using the workon command followed by the environment name.

The tool offers additional functionalities such as cloning an existing environment, removing existing environments, and listing all available environments.

By utilizing mkvirtualenv, you can ensure a cleaner and more organized development environment by keeping your project-specific dependencies separate, making it easier to manage and share your code with other developers.

List of commands for mkvirtualenv:

  • virtualenvwrapper:tldr:659e3 virtualenvwrapper: Create a new Python `virtualenv` in `$WORKON_HOME`.
    $ mkvirtualenv ${virtualenv_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • virtualenvwrapper:tldr:fff07 virtualenvwrapper: Create a `virtualenv` for a specific Python version.
    $ mkvirtualenv --python ${-usr-local-bin-python3-8} ${virtualenv_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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