List of commands for vnstati:
vnstati:tldr:1b0ae vnstati: Output monthly traffic statistics from the last 12 months.$ vnstati --months --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}try on your machineexplain this command
vnstati:tldr:276ae vnstati: Output a summary of the last 2: months, days, and all-time.$ vnstati --summary --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}try on your machineexplain this command
vnstati:tldr:a97a0 vnstati: Output hourly traffic statistics from the last 24 hours.$ vnstati --hours --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}try on your machineexplain this command
vnstati:tldr:cb9d4 vnstati: Output the 10 most traffic-intensive days of all time.$ vnstati --top10 --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}try on your machineexplain this command