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vt: Download files in encrypted `.zip` format (requires premium account).
$ vt download ${file_id} --output ${path-to-directory} --zip --zip-password ${password}
try on your machine

This command is used in a command-line interface to download files from VirusTotal (VT) for analysis. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • vt download: This is the command to initiate a download operation in VirusTotal's CLI.
  • ${file_id}: This is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual ID of the file you want to download. The file ID is a unique identifier assigned to each file in VirusTotal's database.
  • --output ${path-to-directory}: This option specifies the output directory where the downloaded file will be saved. You need to replace ${path-to-directory} with the path to the directory on your local system where you want to save the file.
  • --zip: This option indicates that the downloaded file should be compressed into a ZIP archive. This can be useful when downloading multiple files.
  • --zip-password ${password}: If the --zip option is used, you can also provide a password to protect the ZIP archive using this option. Replace ${password} with the desired password for the ZIP file.

In summary, this command downloads a file from VirusTotal using its ID, saves it to a specific directory, compresses it into a ZIP file (if specified), and protects the ZIP file with a password (if specified).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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