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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool vt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. The command line tool "vt" stands for VirusTotal, which is a popular online service for analyzing files and URLs to detect and identify malware.
  2. "vt" allows users to interact with the VirusTotal API using the command line interface (CLI) and perform various security-related tasks.
  3. The tool offers features like scanning files, searching for reports, retrieving report details, and examining relationships between files.
  4. With "vt", users can scan individual files by providing their local path or specify URLs to analyze web pages or downloadable content.
  5. The tool provides detailed reports on files, including information about detection ratio, antivirus vendor results, and additional metadata.
  6. Users can also search the VirusTotal database using different parameters, such as file hash, IP address, domain, antivirus signature, etc., to check for possible threats or historical data.
  7. "vt" allows users to retrieve comprehensive information about reports, including file behavior, network connections, embedded data, and other analysis attributes.
  8. The tool enables users to uncover relationships between files by examining parent-child relationships or searching for files sharing similar components.
  9. "vt" supports authentication methods, such as private API keys, to access advanced features and ensure secure interactions with the VirusTotal service.
  10. Overall, "vt" provides a convenient and efficient way to leverage the capabilities of VirusTotal through the command line, making it easier for security professionals and researchers to analyze and investigate potential threats.

List of commands for vt:

  • vt:tldr:2fb2e vt: Download files in encrypted `.zip` format (requires premium account).
    $ vt download ${file_id} --output ${path-to-directory} --zip --zip-password ${password}
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  • vt:tldr:301c1 vt: Scan a specific file for viruses.
    $ vt scan file ${filename}
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  • vt:tldr:3ec7b vt: Initialize or re-initialize `vt` to enter API key interactively.
    $ vt init
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  • vt:tldr:5830b vt: Display information for a specific URL.
    $ vt url ${url}
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  • vt:tldr:83d7d vt: Display information from a specific analysis.
    $ vt analysis ${select}
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  • vt:tldr:d7f7e vt: Scan a URL for viruses.
    $ vt scan url ${url}
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  • vt:tldr:ecf33 vt: Display information about a domain.
    $ vt domain ${url}
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tool overview