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webpack: Automatically recompile on changes to project files.
$ webpack --watch ${app-js} ${bundle-js}
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The command webpack --watch ${app-js} ${bundle-js} is used to initiate the webpack bundling process with the watch mode enabled.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • webpack: It is the command to run the webpack bundler.
  • --watch: The --watch flag enables the watch mode. This means that webpack will continue running and monitor the specified files for any changes. Whenever a file is modified, webpack will automatically recompile the bundle.
  • ${app-js}: This is a placeholder representing the input file that webpack will use to bundle the JavaScript code. Replace ${app-js} with the actual path or filename of your primary JavaScript file.
  • ${bundle-js}: This is a placeholder representing the output file where webpack will generate the bundled JavaScript code. Replace ${bundle-js} with the desired path or filename for your bundled JavaScript file.

In summary, this command instructs webpack to continually monitor the specified input file and automatically recompile it into the specified output file whenever changes are detected.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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