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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool webpack. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Webpack is a popular command line tool used for bundling JavaScript modules for web development. It allows developers to define dependencies between different modules and efficiently bundle them together into a single file or multiple files.

With Webpack, developers can combine JavaScript, CSS, images, and other assets into a single bundle that can be easily deployed to a web server. It also supports various exciting features such as code splitting, hot module replacement, and tree shaking, which enhance the performance and efficiency of the generated bundles.

Webpack uses a configuration file, typically named webpack.config.js, to specify the entry point of the application, the output location, and other customization options. This makes it highly flexible and customizable according to the requirements of the project.

In addition to bundling, Webpack also incorporates a powerful built-in development server that allows developers to preview their changes in real-time without the need for manual refreshing. This enables a smooth development workflow and speeds up the development process.

With a vast ecosystem of plugins and loaders, Webpack can handle various types of assets and transform them as needed. For example, it can transpile ES6+ JavaScript code into ES5 syntax using Babel, optimize and minify CSS and JavaScript files, and compress images.

Webpack has gained significant popularity in the JavaScript community due to its flexibility, efficiency, and extensive features. It is widely used in modern web development frameworks and build tools like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

To summarize, Webpack is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the bundling and optimization of assets for web development. It offers various features and customization options, making it highly versatile and suitable for projects of all scales.

List of commands for webpack:

  • webpack:tldr:16b0f webpack: Pass a config file (with e.g. the entry script and the output filename) and show compilation progress.
    $ webpack --config ${webpack-config-js} --progress
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  • webpack:tldr:442b6 webpack: Automatically recompile on changes to project files.
    $ webpack --watch ${app-js} ${bundle-js}
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  • webpack:tldr:e68b6 webpack: Create a single output file from an entry point file.
    $ webpack ${app-js} ${bundle-js}
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  • webpack:tldr:f28ab webpack: Load CSS files too from the JavaScript file (this uses the CSS loader for `.css` files).
    $ webpack ${app-js} ${bundle-js} --module-bind '${css=css}'
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