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webpack: Create a single output file from an entry point file.
$ webpack ${app-js} ${bundle-js}
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This command is invoking the webpack build tool with two arguments: ${app-js} and ${bundle-js}.

${app-js} represents the entry point of your application's JavaScript code. It usually refers to the main file that imports other modules or dependencies.

${bundle-js} represents the output or destination file where webpack will generate the bundled JavaScript code. This bundled code typically includes all the dependencies and modules imported in the ${app-js} file.

In summary, this command instructs webpack to process the JavaScript code in the ${app-js} file and generate a bundled JavaScript file in the specified location (${bundle-js}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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