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wget: Download all URLs stored in a text file to a specific directory.
$ wget --directory-prefix ${path-to-directory} --input-file ${URLs-txt}
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The command wget is a command-line utility used to retrieve files from the internet. Here is an explanation of the given command:

wget: This is the command itself, indicating that you want to use the wget utility.

--directory-prefix ${path-to-directory}: This option specifies the directory where you want the downloaded files to be saved. ${path-to-directory} should be replaced with the actual path to the directory on your system.

--input-file ${URLs-txt}: This option tells wget to read a list of URLs from a file called ${URLs-txt} and download them. ${URLs-txt} should be replaced with the actual filename or path to the file containing the list of URLs.

Combining both options, this command tells wget to download the files specified in ${URLs-txt} and save them in the directory specified by ${path-to-directory}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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